Saturday, May 18, 2013

Cashie Faces

 Contax 645; TriX400; Fromex, MDR

Thursday, May 16, 2013

West Virginia

I finally made it back to Morgantown, WV to visit family back in March. I had been trying to get there for such a long time, but with three young sons it was proving difficult. I was able to figure out to some dates that might work for our family, then I booked it, grabbed George and left!
We really had a fantastic time. I stayed primarily with my Grandmother and George was able to bond with his GREAT-Grandmother, which I think is awesome. We also saw all my aunts and my cousins and their children, and even grandchildren! 
(Can't believe I positioned her right in line with the door crease! Ugh!)

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Watching his brothers run through the sprinkler.
21 months young.

 Contax 645; TriX 400; Fromex

Friday, May 3, 2013

Thank you, ForrElliots!

Thank you to Auntie Taryn, Uncle Mark and Cousins Olive & Perry for my super-awesome kitty-cat bank!

Cashie snuck into this one:
Contax 645; TriX400 (overexposed to my dismay); Fromex, MDR