Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Space Between

Lucky Hazel was four days old when she first showed up on my doorstep, and I thought it was a shoe-in for an easy (sleepy) session.  This sweet girl had other plans!  She definitely enjoys checking out the world, taking in all of her new surroundings.  I can't wait to watch this little flower blossom over the next few years!

Contax 645 (Color Images), Canon 1V (BW), Portra 400, Fujifilm Pro400h, BW400CN

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Mama and her Boo

For those of us who have pets, we are well aware how easily they become much-loved members of our families.  They add a big spark to our lives and cherish us more than we will ever have the capacity to understand, and vise-versa.  I read a quote not too long ago (sorry but I cannot remember who said it): "I strive to be the person my dog thinks I am."  Needless to say, when they get sick, our hearts hurt.
I met Vanessa during my trip to St. John.  We were roomies, and it was there that I first heard the name 'Boo Radley'.  Not long afterward, I met this sweet soul in person.  I have not spent too much time with him but I am well aware how close to Vanessa's heart Boo resides.  She recently found out Boo has terminal cancer, and I was honored when she asked me to come over and photograph her and her love.  Boo and Vanessa, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Photographs taken with Contax 645 (all color) and Canon 1V (BW).  Portra 400, FujiPro 400, and Kodak BW400CN.  Developed and scanned at RPL.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Because I haven't posted at least one photo in a while:

Fujifilm GF670; Portra 400 (I think); FIND Lab in Utah
I have a horrible time correcting for colorcast in Photoshop.  I'm trying to figure it out but I'm hoping it just comes with practice and training the eye.