Friday, March 16, 2012

James in the Neighborhood

No, this isn't our house. In fact, this is a empty house around the corner from us. The other fact is that it used to be a crackhouse of some sort back in the day. Many years have passed and now it sits sold but abandoned. The place gets some beautiful light around it, and I was meaning to take the boys over there for a few weeks. I heard that the property was going to be torn down and built up, so I took my chance. The back yard is particularly enticing near the end of the day but I became too much of a scaredy-cat to toss my kids over and climb the fence. 
So, the final fact is, I will happily place my children in front of a former drug house if the light is right. Oh, and that James desperately needed a haircut (which he has since gotten).

Contax 645; FujiPro 400h; One Hour Photo Avenue

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