Tuesday, August 2, 2011

At the Hospital

Due to reasons beyond my control, I did not take as many photographs in the hospital as I wanted to take. I just didn't have the energy to move around as I anticipated....crazy me (I'm always so overzealous). I had envisioned documenting my own "after-birth birth story" but couldn't work in the details between feedings and other random incidents during my stay. Cash kept me on my toes with numerous choking/gagging episodes due to swallowing too much fluid on the way out (poor thing). The first one was pretty scary and had me on edge for the rest of the stay. Fortunately, the episodes have nearly disappeared and I am able to sleep more soundly. Here are some photographs during our time at the hospital:
Contax 645 & Canon 1V; Delta 3200 & Kodak BW400CN; Dev & Scanned at Fromex

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Stunning Tamara! STUNNING!