Thursday, March 22, 2012

Cash at almost Eight Months

With Cashie's 8-month mark right around the corner, I felt the urge to share him a little, so I pulled out the camera. He's kinda sitting up by himself (brief periods of time), says "ma-ma-mmmm-ma-ma", which I choose to believe is Mama, and still adores Papa, George, James, and others close in his life. And he's got a REALLY small nose surrounded by a lot of hair, so that's cute too. 
Also, a photographer friend of mine, Lauren Pressey, came over this past week to capture my sweet prince and me. Her work is beautiful (she also took our photos when I was pregnant with George), and I am so thankful to have these images; I treasure them so. You can see them here: Mama and Cash

Contax 645; TriX-400; Fromex, Marina Del Rey

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

George March 2012

Canon 1V (BW) & Contax 645 (Color); TriX-400 & Portra 800; One Hour Photo Avenue, Los Angeles

Friday, March 16, 2012

James in the Neighborhood

No, this isn't our house. In fact, this is a empty house around the corner from us. The other fact is that it used to be a crackhouse of some sort back in the day. Many years have passed and now it sits sold but abandoned. The place gets some beautiful light around it, and I was meaning to take the boys over there for a few weeks. I heard that the property was going to be torn down and built up, so I took my chance. The back yard is particularly enticing near the end of the day but I became too much of a scaredy-cat to toss my kids over and climb the fence. 
So, the final fact is, I will happily place my children in front of a former drug house if the light is right. Oh, and that James desperately needed a haircut (which he has since gotten).

Contax 645; FujiPro 400h; One Hour Photo Avenue

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mr. Funny

George is absolutely brimming with personality. He loves making people laugh and is constantly trying new things to get a giggle out of someone. Currently he is in "funny word" stage, which means he makes up words and says them over and over again in mismatched sentences. His favorite ones so far are "pook" and "ooka" followed up with "bleh, bleh." Thankfully he's pretty much given up on the potty talk.

Oh, and here is a movie with George singing "Jingle Bella, Batman Smells."

Contax 645; One Hour Photo Avenue

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Joanna's Boy

Yep, here he is. Cute as a button.I was lucky enough to hang out with his Mama, Joanna Goddard of A Cup of Jo, not too long ago. She is so very easy to talk and laugh with. I adore her. Check out her entertaining and sweet blog about all kinds of stuff that life throws your way (think fashion, babies, romance, style, hair, travel, art, etc).

Can you tell I love to contain squirming toddlers in highchairs? 

Contax 645; FujiPro 400H; One Hour Photo Avenue

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Cashie Challenge

Truth be told, Cashie has been my most challenging baby. Not in the sense he had colic but in the "I want my Mama told hold me ALL DAY LONG. And, if I don't get that I'm gonna whine and cry until it happens." I sure do love my Cashie, but it has been a rough couple of months. I wake up each morning with a renewed vow to make it through emotionally unscathed. But, by 2 p.m., I am usually completely worn down. Now I know he's just a baby and that babies deserve to be held and snuggled and cuddled and given loads of love. I try my best to make this happen.....but within reason. There is absolutely no way I can hold him all day long. I have two other young boys in my life that also need time with Mama. Whenever I put Cash down, I have approximately 3 minutes before the whining begins. And believe me, he is relentless. Maybe I've taught him this. Maybe it's just his nature. A part of me loves that he loves me so much to want to be in my arms for hours at a time. But another part of me yearns to have a solid half-hour to clean the kitchen without interruption, put away laundry, or simply build a road with my older boys. We are still working on a balance. 
Last week my sweet baby boy turned 7-months old. He's rolling effortlessly from stomach to back, holding his toys tightly, switching items from hand to hand, loves swinging at the park, gobbling up pureed foods, enjoying his bath-time, flirting with the ladies, complaining about toys that he drops, happily interacting with his brother George (my prediction as they will be great friends), and sleeping longer at night. (Daytime naps are not happening much, but we are working on them). 

Mamiya 7ii; Delta 3200; Fromex